One thing I know about life is that pain, in all it's many forms, is inevitable. Radical acceptance is both a skill & a process that helps us take our pain as it is, without judgments & resistance, so that we can move forward and live full, meaningful lives. Join Sam & I as we bring this skill to you in a way that gives both space for emotional processing & specific action steps meant to reduce suffering and increase acceptance.
Didactic: 0:00 to 6:40
Practice: 6:41 to 17:10
Homework: 17:11 to end
Complete this worksheet below OR reflect on the following:
What are you struggling to accept? (i.e. our bodies, that a difficult relationship had to end, a chronic illness, past abuse or trauma)
What would life look like if you accepted that thing? What would you do differently? (i.e. If I accepted my body for what it is, I would wear whatever I wanted and dance around my house naked)
Take action: Make specific behavior changes as if you already had accepted the reality of this painful truth. (ex: Dance around the house naked until you forget that you're worried about how you look)