Humans are relational beings & whether you need a big or small circle, most of us find ourselves interacting with others at some point or another. These might be people that we love and want to keep close, are acquainted with and might need something from every once and a while, &/or who are in charge of us and prone to making requests. Regardless of the context and relationship, it can be effective for our health & well-being to have skills for navigating interactions with others.

The interpersonal effectiveness module helps us get what we want & need from others, say no & assert ourselves in a way that is authentic and tactful, build new relationships, & end destructive ones. Today we start by checking our assumptions & expectations at the door by challenging relationship myths that get in our way & checking in with our goals ahead of conversations, especially if we think they could go south.
Didactic: 0:00 to 15:24
Homework: 15:25 to end
(1) Identifying the interpersonal myths that resonate with you & offer up challenges that might be more realistic and effective
(2) Complete the worksheet below to help clarifying your goals before going into interpersonal situations!