Welcome to a short series of skills aimed at reducing our emotional vulnerability.. Today we will manage strong and unwanted emotions and increase emotions like joy, peace, and contentment by figuring out what makes us more likely to experience different emotions, whether they be positive or negative. Once we figure this out, we will dive in and do more of what makes us happy and reduce what makes us miserable. Easier said than done, I know, so let us help you pinpoint where to make changes and live a more content life.
We start with accumulating positives, where Sam and I explore what self-care actually is (hint: it is not always chocolate cake and bubble baths) and move toward the things that matter most (our values!). We then move to building mastery and COPE AHEAD, where we discuss how to challenge ourselves in meaningful ways and prepare ourselves to face difficult situations in a way that is skillful. We then wrap up with PLEASE, which helps us care for our emotional wellbeing by taking care of our bodies.
Accumulating Positives
Mindfulness practice: 0:00-3:39
Didactics: 3:39-12:00
Practice: 12:00-19:24
Homework: 19:24-end
Homework: Accumulate positives in the long & short-term by...
(1) Scheduling one positive into every single day this week. Even if it's taking 5-minutes to enjoy your coffee, practice treating yourself with kindness and finding small joys on a daily basis.
(2) Identify one value that you want to move toward and take action following the steps below:
Building Mastery & COPE AHEAD
Note: The dog in the thumbnail is my beautiful pup, Freckles <3
Mindfulness practice: 0:00-5:12
Didactics: 5:13-12:17
Practice: 12:18-17:01
Homework: 17:02-end
(1) Schedule in one mastery building activity for your week right here, right now. Put a reminder on your calendar!
(2) COPE AHEAD: Think of one situation that might kick up some strong emotions or give you difficulty. Write out a COPE AHEAD script, record it, and listen to it at least 3x before the situation hits!
Mindfulness practice: 0:00-4:15
Didactics: 4:16-18:45
Homework: 18:45-end
(1) Identify 1-2 areas from PLEASE that you would like to improve upon. Make a few small, specific goals for your week related to caring for your body.
Have feedback?
If you have feedback on this video or want us to cover a particular topic or skill, please reach out to my at sydney.r.counseling@gmail.com. These videos are for you and we welcome your feedback.